Rooted to Live Ministries was created with a desire to see authentic gospel communities growing and living in the fullness of God’s love and sharing that life and freedom with others. 


To join with others to learn and live in the fullness of God’s love


To see authentic gospel communities growing and living in God’s love




After nearly two decades of pastoral ministry and considering the passions and gifts God’s bestowed upon us, we’ve found our greatest desire as a family is to serve by creating authentic gospel communities and helping others to live in the fullness of God’s love.  

As we grow in understanding God’s overwhelming love for us, we are also finding freedom in the knowledge that we are “rooted and established in love” (Ephesians 3:17). No need for striving to prove ourselves to God, but rather trusting and freely living in His great love. 

This is now the basis of our desire for others ― that they would also find freedom and grace in His great love.  

Our renewed confidence of being rooted in God’s love has allowed us to be honest about what we desire for life and ministry, and gives way to a new vision to share and live out with those around us.

We created Rooted to Live Ministries to establish authentic gospel communities to grow and live in the fullness of God’s love, and share that life and freedom with others by way of home groups, one-on-one shepherding, teaching, equipping, and counseling.

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Amanda's full-time position is as a homemaker and stay-at-home mom to their five children. She is also overseeing the administrative tasks of Rooted to Live as well as participating in small groups, leading women's groups, and meeting with individuals and groups.

Amanda's desire to encourage and speak truth to women about their security in Jesus and the love He has for each of them, has overflowed to the creation and ongoing ministry of a blog called The Hybrid Home, which she created and runs with her best friend, Lily.



Jason works part-time at Crosspointe Biblical Counseling Center, where he serves as one of their biblical counselors in both the Raleigh and Greenville, NC offices. Jason meets one-on-one, on a weekly basis, with individuals seeking pastoral counseling, as well as local pastors and church leaders seeking encouragement and guidance.

Jason's involvement in small groups has also allowed him to encourage others in their faith and security in Jesus' love. Jason loves to see people growing and learning to live in the love of Jesus. He has also started the Rooted to Live podcast where he shares devotionals and teachings from the Bible to edify and encourage listeners.